Sunday, January 01, 2006

the tag thing

The Tag Thing
Okay, so I have been tagged. Ugh. But it seems cute, and downright silly to be telling the world of my, ehem, "ideal lover" (so cheesy...)
Target: Male (of course)
here goes the 8-point "program"... ahahaha... Mayor Atienza would be sooo proud!
1.) "Socially Aware"- a really intelligent guy who can answer beauty pageant questions without being too cheesy and in a snap, that kind of guy will definitely get my admiration. He (whoever he is doomed to meet me) would have to talk sense. I like guys who can give insights on issues like free trade, animal testing and domestic violence. Plus points if he supports organizations like PETA, GreenPeace or wears a whiteband. (Demanding ang lola! )
2.) Funny- a guy's sense of humor would definitely reflect his wit. I like guys who know how and when to be funny.
3.) Stoic- I really don't know why. I guess this is not really a requirement, but quiet men are hot! ahahaha.. now, that was my inner byotch talking... but really, they just do intrigue me. (Why do I have to do this??) Ahahaha.. Quiet people are really interesting. Especially those who convey all their musings in less than 10 words.
4.) Good in Physics and Math- (for obvious reasons) I wish some tagged guy would be looking for someone "Good in English!"
5.) Understanding and Patient- who doesn't one and need one? I mean, I need someone who won't freak out upon knowing that I talk to myself 24/7. Yes, i do. So, I need someone who will listen and snap me out of my delusions.
6.) Sane and Cool- cool as in the cool as a cucumber kind of guy. I have been legendary in threatening department store and fast food people whenever I encounter bad service and stuff like that. I need someone who'll keep me sane,grounded and out of trouble.
7.) Do I really have to mention nice and God-fearing? Those should be given.
8.) Germbusting! - I don't know how to put it. Uhm, talented, I should say. Someone who can do crazy things. Someone who knows a lot of things. For example, play the violin (cos I suck at this.. he'll have to teach me), make an analysis on The Lord of the Flies, eat a live squid (okay not necessary) Someone who'll be comfortable doing daring things (no nudity necessary) =) like indulge in a videoke marathon of aegis songs - now, that's a brave man!
Bonus Track:
Hey, ideal guy! If you're reading this right now and you've made up your mind that you want to meet me now, please make sure that....

Please send your application form together with 2 2x2 id pictures, 1 whole body picture, your 300 word essay,statement of assets and liabilities and testing fee of php450 on or before February 25, 2006.

Late applicants will not be accepted.

Results may be accessed through SMS around March 2006.

C h i n i k a n i M i m o s e n u n g b a n d a n g 7:30 PM

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